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How to Better Manage Tasks with Less Effort

“Children want the challenge of difficult tasks – just look how much better they are than their parents on a computer.”

James Dyson

Tasks is a Habyts feature which helps to teach kids good, responsible behaviour, empowering them to take a bigger role in family life by setting, tracking and rewarding Tasks and chores.

It’s popular with everyone, but kids are particularly keen… because Tasks are a way to unlock screen time as well as earn Bonus Play Time and non-screen Rewards!

Tasks in all shapes and sizes

Habyts makes it easy to set different categories of Task including ‘Required’, ‘Optional’ and ‘Goal’.

Required Tasks can be set so that they must be completed before Playtime can begin.

Optional Tasks give you loads of options for scheduling and signing off your Tasks. You can even decide wether you or your child can sign off the Task as complete.

Finally, Goals are great for setting up longer-term Tasks as they give your child something to work towards.


Copy that

Have more than one child in your Habyts house? Don’t worry we have a fab new feature to help make it easier when adding or setting up Tasks.

You may want to share or copy Tasks you’ve set for one child to another. Mainly, because you haven’t got time to keeping typing out the same tasks each time and you want to just get going with as little fuss as possible, right?

Well, we have a copy function on all tasks where there are multiple kids on the same account.

One hand on the wheel

Habyts is all about teaching kids good habits. Allowing them to sign off their own tasks is a great way to teach responsibility but for some Tasks, you may want to double check yourself.

With Habyts, parents can set up Tasks to require parental sign off, keeping you in control.

Find out More about Tasks:

What are Habyts Tasks?

How do I create a Task?

How do I edit or delete a Task?

How do I copy Tasks from one child to another?

RELATED: Explore the Fast-Track Habyts Product Tour

Take a guided tour of Habyts and see how easy it is to setup Tasks
Click here to take the tour!


And there’s more…

This is just the start. Check back here each week on habyts.com/blog for updates and news about new features or sign up to receive our weekly newsletter.

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