ImpactADHD® is a self-sustainable provider of training, coaching and support, serving parents and educators of complex kids in more than 100 countries. They develop and provide extensive, accessible resources for free, as well as low-cost, affordable fee-based products and programs.
As coaches certified by the International Coach Federation, with extensive training in ADD/ADHD, we knew that parents of kids like ours —kids with ADD/ADHD, anxiety, learning disabilities and more — needed more than they were getting to help their complex kids.
There was a lot of support available for their children, but almost nothing available to guide the parents, themselves. And raising these kids was definitely not easy!
We decided from the beginning that we didn’t want to establish a non-profit organization, because we wanted to focus on parents, not fundraising.
We decided that we didn’t want to accept advertisers, because we wanted parents to be able to focus without distraction.
It’s impossible to express how much coaching and ImpactADHD® has transformed our families, our children and ourselves — and what a difference it’s made in the lives of the parents we coach and support. If you give us the chance, we promise it will make an enormous difference for your family, too.