At Habyts, we are always looking for innovative ways for parents to overcome screen time struggles. Every family is different, which gives us any number of screen time problems to solve!
In fact, some of our app features have come as a direct result of a Habyts parent asking us how to use the app to help their particular situation.
That’s why we’re big fans of FAQs and having our users reach out to us!
To find the FAQs before you become a Habyts user, simply visit the support tab on the website homepage menu.
For those of you who are Habyts users, once you log in to your parent dashboard click the help section in the top right corner and you’ll get a pop up that gives you direct access to our FAQ section as well.
This is also where you can get in contact with any suggestions or help queries that we haven’t answered in the FAQ section.
Our FAQ section covers a wide variety of topics such as:
- How do I subscribe to Habyts with a new credit card?
- Which websites are blocked on Habyts by default?
- Can my child remove Habyts from their device?
- Does Habyts work offline?
RELATED: Want to read more of the Habyts FAQs?
Check out the current list of FAQs hereOf course, if you have a screen time woe that hasn’t been solved in our FAQ section or Habyts HelpDesk, we would love to hear from you!
Who knows, you might just give us an idea that helps parents across the world tackle a new screen time issue.
Get in touch to ask us a question about Habyts today!