“Over three-quarters of parents say they have to clarify the cryptic text-speak in their children’s texts and emails.” – The Telegraph
We all know the basics. LOL (laugh out loud), BRB (be right back) and OMG (Oh My God). But the English language changes every day — as does the tech talk our kids use.
Here are 20 text terms that kids are starting to use that you might not know about yet.
We’ve picked five from the four main categories, but there are many more you should know about! Take a look at the latest lingo being used on the screens.
With more monitoring apps than ever before, kids still want a right to their privacy. That’s why they’re adapting their text language and with it our use of the English language (but that’s a debate for an English Lit Graduate).
PIR = Parent in room
KMS = Kill myself
TWD = Texting while driving
CU46 = See you for sex
GNOC = Get naked on camera
Of course, one of parents biggest concerns is their children being exposed to sexual content too early. Again, that’s why kids will often find a way to skirt around getting caught even having these types of discussions.
If you know what the words mean you’ll have a much better understanding of what your child is actually talking about.
Netflix and chill = Code for engaging in sex or other sexual acts (Netflix may or may not be on in the background).
F*** boy (also shown as FBOI) = A guy who is just looking for sex.
Grafting = Trying to get a girl or guy to like them / get physical with them.
IWSN = I want sex now.
Noods = An incorrect way of spelling ‘nudes’, which actually refers to sending nude pics. There are several clever ‘Send Nude’ memes you should also be aware of.
RELATED: Want to know more about protecting your kids online?
How often do you try and engage your child in conversation only to be told; “I’m fine”. We all know fine can mean a myriad of things, but these words might reveal more about your child’s emotional state than you know.
If you suspect your child is being bullied online, these words should raise red flags.
Broken = Hungover from alcohol or drugs.
Coin = A two-faced person.
Melt = An idiot, pushover, wimp….etc.
Pied = The act of ignoring someone who is talking to you.
Basic = Used to describe someone who is boring.
Then, of course, there are the emoji’s. Frequently being used in place of acronyms, emoji’s don’t always reflect their innocent pictures.
Here are the five most common emoji’s with hidden meanings:
Eggplant = Used to represent a man’s penis.
Peach = Used to represent a bum.
Water droplets = Often used with a hand emoji to signal ejaculation.
Branch = The closest emoji that represents cannabis.
Scissors = Code for ‘I’m going to cut you’.
There you have it!
Hopefully, it’s been an eye-opening and informative look into the secret world of text language.
But with language constantly changing, it might just be best to sit down and have a conversation with your kids. Get to know their screen world — the good, bad and the ugly — and you’ll be able to better understand how their screen behaviour is being affected.
More and more parents are turning to screen time monitoring tools to help them too, so don’t feel like you’re alone in this. There is a way to handle these tech changes, and we can help you do it.
RELATED: Like what you're reading? Get your FREE Guide: How to Prepare Your Kids for a Screen Routine...that Works for YOUR Family!
Click here for your FREE GuideDo you have any questions or concerns about your child’s online behaviour? Get in touch with us in the comments below.
Cool My kids at not gonna use there phones