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6 essential educational apps you should download

Here at Habyts, we know how important study time is for kids. However, we also know how distracting screens can be! With the click of a button, your child can go from productively researching a project to mindlessly scrolling through their Facebook feed.

But banning screens during study time simply isn’t feasible anymore. Kids need devices like laptops and computers to write up assignments, gather their research and present projects.

It’s why we have created Habyts Study Time. During this time, distracting websites and apps can be blocked so kids focus solely on completing their schoolwork — no and, if or buts about it! Study Time can also be automatically scheduled in, so there are no arguments about when homework has to start.

Here are 5 other educational apps that we think are essential to improving online education for kids.

Khan Academy

khan academy logo

One of the most popular online learning resources, we couldn’t create a list without including Khan Academy! With over 10,000 videos along with various lessons and courses in traditional subjects like maths and science, it’s ideal for both beginners and advanced students looking to brush up on their knowledge. The best part? It’s free!


elevate brain training logo

Apple’s 2014 App of the Year, Elevate is a brain training app with over 40+ games in skills like math, reading, writing, speaking and listening. It adapts to your skill level over time so you can track your progress and gain more confidence over time. Perfect to get kids engaging in topics they struggle with!

Index Card Board


Remember when we used to use real index cards to memorise important facts and answers for exams? Now there’s a virtual Index Card Board that kids can use! For kids who like visual cues to help them remember important information they need to record, these index cards that they can personalise are ideal.

Ginger Page 

ginger page logo

Could we really have an essential educational app list without including an English Grammar & Spell Checker, Translator & Dictionary App? We didn’t think so! With tons of personalisation options, keyboard designs and emojis, Ginger Page is great for engaging kids and helps them develop a love of language. With text messaging changing how we type — this app ensures your child learns correct spelling and grammar.

Dragon Dictation

dragon dictation logo

For kids with dyslexia, dictation software can be a lifesaver! Let them chat to their laptop or computer and Dragon Dictation will automatically type the words in front of them. Not only will this ease frustration, but it can also speed up completing work and understanding the words as they appear too.

So, those are our top 6 educational apps but can you think of any that we’ve missed off this list? Let us know in the comments below as we have parents asking us every day for educational app recommendations! They might just use yours!

RELATED: Want to find out more about how Habyts Study Time works?

See how to set up Habyts Study Time today!

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