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Can You Match the Habyts Team to their Habytars?

Ho, Ho, Habyts!

Like most parents, you’re probably hurtling towards Christmas in a brain-shattering flurry of last minute present-hunting and mile-long “To-Do” lists.

We’re with you.

Which is why we thought that a random Habyts quiz would be a perfect excuse for a well-deserved break.

And a chance to introduce ourselves!

So, first take a quick peek into the assorted minds of our Habyts team (we were slightly surprised, too).

Then, at the end of this article, guess which Habytar matches which Habyts Team member.

You know the Habytars – those random cute characters we scatter across Habyts (like Kerry dog above).

But let’s start with a ‘hi’ from Habyts!

[POST UPDATE: Habyts continues to grow and now has more Habytars of all shapes and sizes – below are just a few.]


Name:          Cynthia C

Blurb:          Co-founder, corporate maven, habit nerd & mother of three.

Best Habyts Feature:

Study Time! Because it blocks out time-wasting apps, games and websites…while allowing unrestricted access to the educational ones!

Wants for Christmas:

Last year my husband gave me a double electric blanket (we can never agree on the temperature). Unfortunately, it broke recently – and I desperately want a new one (hint, hint)!

Favourite Trivia:

Contrary to popular belief, it can take an average of 66 days to form a new habit, not 21 days.


Name:          Andrew C

Blurb:          Co-founder, entrepreneur, sports coach and father of three.

Best Habyts Feature:

Pause Everything! Because nothing gets the kids attention faster then temporarily disabling the internet. (Great for dinner or when guests arrive).

Christmas Wish List:

Business Class flights forevermore so I may travel the continents, countries and states in comfort when I’m not working on Habyts.

Favourite Trivia:

Coffee is the world’s second most valuable traded community, only behind petroleum.


Name:          Nick S

Blurb:         Technical Director, passionate technologist, and proud dad.

Best Habyts Feature:

Shared Devices! Because if you’re serious about tackling screen time, you want to ensure you have screen time limits on family devices, too.

Christmas Wish List:

I’d love to get Star Wars Episode 7 in my stocking. (I’m a huge Star Wars fan). And it’s a film the whole family can enjoy together too.

Favourite Trivia:

The small South Pacific island of Niue accepts collectable Star Wars coins as legal tender.


Name:          Connor M

Blurb:         Tech Lead, ace developer and a stickler for design.

Best Habyts Feature:

Dashboard videos! Because they are fully configurable which means we can create new and exciting content specific to our customer’s needs.

Christmas Wish List:

A STEAM video game voucher so I can buy Boarderlands II and beat AndyB and NickB at their own game. [NickB Edit: which is generally winning]

Favourite Trivia:

One of the first Computer Science PhD’s was earned by a nun.


Name:          Boris B

Blurb:          Lead Designer with an eye for innovation and pixel perfection.

Best Habyts Feature:

The Parent Dashboard! Because it’s home to all your favourite Habyts settings, is simple to use and looks superb whatever you view it on.

Christmas Wish List:

A new Apple Mac. [NickB Edit: Being a graphic designer, Boris LOVES his Macs. He always thinks he needs a new one. He’ll want the same next Christmas, too]

Favourite Trivia:

The Georgia font was named after a tabloid headline reading “Alien heads found in Georgia.”


Name:          Vic R

Blurb:          Customer Support Manager, mum of two and not a robot.

Best Habyts Feature:

Rewards! Because you can make quality family activities or outings something the whole family can work towards and look forward to.

Christmas Wish List:

All I want for Christmas is a lie-in. But I don’t think I will get that with my 4 and 5-year-old. (Failing that, a handbag. Failing that, a carry bag).

Favourite Trivia:

The Tower of London was the world’s oldest scientific zoo, opening on April 27th, 1828.


Name:          NickB

Blurb:          Marketing Manager, keen photographer, and prolific writer.

Best Habyts Feature:

Bonus Screen Time! Because nothing motivates kids (and me) more than screen time. (I really need Habyts for myself if I’m honest).

Christmas Wish List:

Battlefield I game for gaming PC or a new solid state hard drive. (Clearly, I just want to spend more time in front of screens).

Favourite Trivia:

The machine guns on the Hawker Hurricane fighter converge at approx. 250 yards.


Name:          AndyB

Blurb:          Web Developer, designer and master of all things HTML.

Best Habyts Feature:

Tasks BEFORE screens! Because that’s the only way those important daily tasks or chores will ever get done without nagging or cajoling.

Christmas Wish List:

A second GTX 980 TI graphics card for my gaming PC. (Because why would you ever have just one graphics card when you could have two?).

Favourite Trivia:

Danny Way was the first (& only) person to ollie the Great Wall of China on a Skateboard.


Name:          Kerry C

Blurb:          Office dog, with a speciality in screening post and delivery men.

Best Habyts Feature:

Daily Tasks! Because no one can forget to take me for my walk or feed me.

Christmas Wish List:

The Postman to bring my a big juicy bone! (Though I’ll make-do with his leg).

Favourite Trivia:

Most adult dogs have 42 permanent teeth. (don’t believe me, just ask the Postman).

Well, now that you know us a bit better, you might find it easier to match us up with our Habytars.

Can you match the rest of the team?

If you need some help, visit our time limit app Team and Advisors page and hover over each Habyts team member.

time limit app habytars

Happy Habyts Days!

Feel free to tell us a bit about yourselves in the Comments below.

What would you like for Christmas?

What feature are you looking forward to in Habyts?

How would you describe yourself in one sentence?

Look forward to hearing from you!

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