It’s never too early – or too late – to let kids help out with chores.
Many parents know the value of having kids do chores – from teaching good life habits to building confidence as a contributing member of the family.
But sometimes it’s hard to think up the right chores for the right ages – at the drop of a hat.
So below are some age-based chore ideas to get you started (as well as 4 top tips to introducing chores to your kids).
2-3 Years Old
Put away toys
Fill pet’s food dish or bowl
Put clothes in hamper or laundry basket
Wipe up spills
Dust (Top tip: They may not be super helpful on this front. Especially when dusting anything above 3 and a half feet.)
Pile books and magazines
Fold washcloths
Wipe down the front of fridge, oven, trash can or doors with a wet washcloth
4-5 Years Old
All previous chores
Make their own bed
Empty bins/wastebaskets
Bring in mail or newspapers
Clear off the table and put away cutlery (put items they can’t reach on counter for parent to put away)
Use dustpan and brush or hand vacuum to pick up crumbs
Water the garden/flowers
Weed flowers/garden
Wash plastic dishes at sink
Pour a bowl of cereal
Straighten books on the bookshelf
Feed the family dog or cat
Help clean and tidy bedroom
Sweep the kitchen floor with a small broom
Fold towels
6-7 Years Old
All previous chores
Sort and fold laundry
Light cleaning of bathroom
Sweep floors
Unload the dishwasher with supervision (put items they can’t reach on the counter for an adult to put away)
Wash light loads of dishes and cutlery
Help make and pack lunch
Takes clothes out of the dryer
Move wet clothes from the washer into the dryer
Rake leaves
Keep bedroom tidy
Help put away groceries (put items they can’t reach on the counter for an adult to put away)
8-9 Years Old
All previous chores
Load dishwasher
Wash Dishes
Help make lunch or dinner
Make own snacks
Wipe off table after meals
Put away own laundry
Sew buttons
Make own breakfast
Peel vegetables
Cook simple foods, such as toast
Mop/clean floor
Take pet for a walk
Take rubbish/trash out
Organise toys
10-12 Years Old
All previous chores
Mow the garden/yard
Do laundry
Wash laundry by hand
Clean bathroom, kitchen or car
Light clean of the inside of the fridge
Wash windows
Wash car
Cook simple meal with supervision
Baby-sit younger siblings (with adult in the home)
Change their bed sheets
Tidy basement/garage
13+ Years Old
All previous chores
Clean tub/shower
Make lunch/dinner alone
Iron clothes
Dust ceiling fans
Hopefully, this has sparked some ideas that suit your family!
But before you go…
Here are 4 extra tips we’ve heard from other families about how to effectively introduce chores.
Tip #1: Show that you are in this together! In the beginning, kids often appreciate seeing you demonstrate and help out with the task. This simple action can decrease resentment, make the task feel less intimidating, and show your child that helping out is part of being a family!
Tip #2: Require certain chores before screens. This sets clear boundaries and can take away the nag factor.
Tip # 3: Accept that most kids will complain at some point. (According to my son, those that don’t are undoubtedly miniature robots sent from the future to take over the world.) Don’t worry, just ignore it secure in the knowledge that your consistency will eventually drown out the complaints – and lead to good habits.
Tip #4: A bit of music in the background goes a long way to getting chores done – and letting your kids choose the music goes even further.