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Introducing Family Scoreboard – Stay Inspired and Lead the Way

Sticking to a diet, making yourself go out for a run, sorting out that messy cupboard and managing screen time…

What do they all have in common? They all require a bit of motivation and self-discipline.


One of the best ways to keep motivated is being able to see results.

With a diet, you can see and feel the effects. After a run, you feel fitter and can run further and quicker. After tidying up a cupboard the results are plain to see.

But how to do see how you are getting on with managing your screen time?

Introducing the Family Scoreboard

The Family Scoreboard allows the whole family to stay inspired and motivated by sharing stats and progress (within limits).

Everyone in the family can see who sticks to their limits and who is a slave to their tech.

As parents, we are all guilty sometimes of the ‘Do as I say and not as I do attitude’, but kids form good habits if we lead by example and we show our children that healthy relationships with tech can have so many positive effects on the family as a whole, let’s  Practice what we preach!

The Family Scoreboard is not just available on the Parent Dashboard but your kids also get to see the Family Scoreboard on their Child Dashboard too.  So, no cheating! (Note that parents can choose whether or not kids can view it).

The progress bar highlights each family member’s target and how they’re doing. For kids, this is their Play Time allowance and for Parents this is the time limit they have set (outside of working hours) on their device for fun.

You can find our more about Family Scoreboard here.

And there’s more…

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