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How to uninstall Habyts from an Apple iPhone, iPad or iPod

To uninstall the Habyts app from an Apple iOS device, you’ll need the device pass code!

Our uninstall works in two parts; the app on the Home Screen is removed when you remove the Management profile. If you remove the app first from the Home Screen you will still need to follow the steps below:

Removal of the Management profile in the device settings. 

  1. Tap the Settings icon on your device home screen.
  2. Scroll to General, and tap the Habyts management profile (on older versions, it may be listed under Device Management).
  3. Tap the Remove Management option.
  4. Enter your device pass code in the dialog, and then tap Remove Management in the confirming dialog.

Habyts.com will send an email confirming that Habyts has been removed. You can now check your home screen and see that the Habyts app has been removed.

That’s it! Habyts is uninstalled.