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The New Era of Table Top Gaming

When you think of table top gaming, what is the first thing that pops into your mind? Is it Monopoly – or as my mother likes to call it, Monotony? Maybe Twister? Jenga? Or maybe a true flash from the past: Mystery Date? Commercially marketed, mass-produced games can be fun. But what if I told … Continued

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Whatever Happened to Chores?

“82 percent of parents did chores as kids; 28 percent ask their kids to do them. Today’s Balancing Act.” – Heidi Stevens, Chicago Tribune via Twitter. While that trend is disconcerting enough, it was reassuring for me to see one person’s practical response to Heidi’s tweet about her article ‘Why aren’t we expecting our kids … Continued

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Through the Eyes of Our Teens

Has anyone seen the short video Life Without Technology at Temple University or read The Winter of Our Disconnect by Susan Maushart? Well, if you haven’t, here’s a great short cut. Teen blogger, Harrison, compares and contrasts both of these perspectives of a life without technology, and his closing remarks are interesting to hear as … Continued

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Are you raising a narcissist?

The next time you’re tempted to tell little Jack (or Jill) that he’s mummy’s special boy, you may want to give a thought to the message you’re communicating. Research just published in the peer review journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences suggests that far from creating confident, well-rounded individuals who go on to … Continued

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Are summer-born children losing out?

Many parents think themselves fortunate if they have a baby in the balmy (ish) summer months. After all, it gives you the opportunity to balance some of the inevitable donkey-work – the up-all-hours feeding, nappy-changing and endless washing cycle – with the joy of bright mornings, sunny afternoons in the garden and pleasant pram-powered trips … Continued

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