How to uninstall Habyts from a Microsoft Windows PC
You can uninstall the Habyts app from a Windows PC using selections from the Start menu… but you’ll need your Parent Password!
You will also need your Administrator password if you set this up on your PC. Please look out for a pop up screen underneath other web pages requesting this password, otherwise it may look as if you can’t proceed.
Windows 10 users:
- Click the Start button.
- Double-click ‘Settings’ from the Start menu.
- Double-click ‘Apps’ from the dialog.
- Double-click on the ‘Habyts Agent’ icon in the scrolling list beneath the ‘Apps & Features’ section.
- Click the ‘Uninstall’ button.
- Follow the on-screen instructions to proceed with the uninstall.
Windows 7 & 8 users:
- Enter the phrase ‘programs and features’ into the search field (on Windows 7, this is identified as ‘Search programs and files’).
- Right-click the ‘Programs and Features’ icon.
- Select ‘Habyts Agent’ from the scrolling list of installed programs.
- Follow the on-screen instructions to proceed with the uninstall.
Whichever version of Windows you’re working with, you’ll need your Parent Password to complete the uninstall process.