I’ll just use Incognito mode. They’ll never know!
Relax! Habyts controls incognito (private) browsing. Cool huh?
Safe Browsing
Want to teach your child to work first, play later?
Tired of hearing your kids say “I’ll do my homework after I’ve played Minecraft, watched YouTube & any other screen time distraction”?
Habyts allows parents to set conditions on when kids can use their Play Time.
In this case, you can simply set the condition that Homework has to be finished (and approved) before Play Time.
Parents know the value of ‘delayed gratification’. However, it’s a tough one to teach our kids with the instant access of the digital world.
But 40 years of Stanford research – the ‘Marshmallow Experiment’- found that kids with this one quality are more likely to succeed in life.
In the study, adults who were willing to delay gratification as kids ended up having higher SAT scores, lower levels of substance abuse, lower likelihood of obesity, better responses to stress, better social skills as reported by their parents, and generally better scores in a range of other life measures.
So how do we teach our kids to delay gratification when it comes to screen time distractions? And to get the important stuff done first?
Based on parent feedback, we’ve devised a solution for this particular challenge.
Habyts can automatically block Play Time until you (the parent) approves the completed homework.
Further, you can even say ‘OK, when you get back from school, you can play until 5pm, but then Play Time stops until it’s done.
Pretty cool, eh?
First, in the Study Time section, choose Scheduled Study Time. Then click Add a Study Time Schedule.
Then, choose the days of the week that you want this rule to apply, how long Study Time should last, and any other rules. Study Time will now be required during these times.
Safe Browsing
Parental Approval
Parental Approval
Safe Browsing
Time Control
Network Independent
Rights vs Privileges
Cross Platform
Safe Browsing