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But I need the internet for my homework… really!

No worries! Just set Study Time on Habyts - so kids are limited to educational sites & apps during homework.

Concerned that your child’s homework is losing out to YouTube?

Not sure whether your kids are secretly surfing, texting, or gaming when they should be studying?  (And hate having to fight to find out).

With Habyts, it’s easy to block distracting websites and apps on all of your child’s devices while they’re studying.

During Study Time, Habyts only allows apps and websites that are useful for studying.  So Wikipedia and Microsoft Word are OK, but Minecraft isn’t.

Study time applies to your child’s PC, phone and tablet all at the same time…and Study Time doesn’t count against your child’s screen time allowed for play (we call it a Play Time Allowance).

Worried about screen time affecting your child’s education?

It’s one of the top concerns we hear from parents.

Research from the University of Cambridge shows a direct link between the amount of time a child spends on screens and poor academic performance.

It’s really not a big surprise.

If a child isn’t concentrating on their homework, they’re not learning it thoroughly, and exam grades will suffer.

If your child is doing homework and YouTube is a mere click away, it’s inevitable their attention will wander.

When even a small amount of homework is carried out or researched online… it’s hard to tell the difference between a genuine request for time to research the Nile delta…

and a little white lie to get more game time!

So we’ve made it easy for you to block distracting websites and apps on all your child’s devices while they’re studying.

You no longer have to police their homework – just let them get on with it.

Simply block Play Time until Homework is done! Check it when they’ve finished, Approve the Homework Task on your phone, and Habyts will unlock Play Time automatically.

With Habyts Study Time, you can help your child break the digital distraction habit, focus attention on learning, and get on the path to academic success!

How Study Time Works

Set Study Time to suit your child’s needs.  Default Study Time can run automatically throughout the day.  Scheduled Study Time can run automatically for certain periods in the day.  Quick Start Study Time can be initiated for a set period when you start the clock.

We’ve set up a default list of websites and apps that are blocked in Study Time.

For Windows and Android devices, you can edit the list of blocked websites and apps either by category or by individual site. For Apple iOS devices, you cannot filter individual apps but you can filter by category or individual websites.

See why parents love Habyts

Habyts handles the sticky gotchas that go with screen time... so you don't have to

If any of these issues sound familiar - then you need Habyts.

I’ll just use Incognito mode. They’ll never know!

Relax! Habyts controls incognito (private) browsing. Cool huh?

See How

Safe Browsing

Chores? I don’t do chores.

Habyts lets kids earn their screen time privileges...finally!

See How

Parental Approval

I’ve tidied my bedroom – honest.

Require 'Task Approval' - if you think corners will be cut!

See How

Parental Approval

Joey, look! I found these pictures…

Habyts blocks bad websites - when a report is not enough!

See How

Safe Browsing

I’ve only just started – Billy was on for ages before me!

Habyts supports shared devices & applies rules to EACH child.

See How

Time Control

If she turns off the router, I’ll just play offline games

Habyts manages the whole device, not just the internet!

See How

Network Independent

I’ll do my homework after I’ve played Minecraft

Set 'Homework' to be done BEFORE Play Time. ;-)

See How

Rights vs Privileges

If you take away my PC, I’ll just use my phone

Habyts adds up time ACROSS devices...so 1 hour means 1 hour.

See How

Cross Platform

But I need the internet for my homework… really!

Set Study Time - ONLY allow educational sites & apps.

See How

Safe Browsing

Manage Screen Time & Motivate Your Kids Start right now!
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