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Chores? I don’t do chores.

Habyts teaches kids to earn their screen time privileges

Yes, we parents were right all along!

A 75-year-long Harvard study showed that adults who did chores as kids tend to be more independent, collaborative and have a ‘can-do’ attitude.

But getting kids to consistently do chores can be like pulling teeth.

Which is why Habyts turns screen time into a PRIVILEGE kids can earn at doing their chores, homework or other tasks.

It all happens automatically – which means no more nagging.

Habyts lets you create Tasks for your child, with a day and time for each Task (or chore).

You can award points for completing a Task, and even block Play Time until it’s done. You choose how hard you want to push to get it done!

Habyts will remind your child when Tasks are due, and he/she can mark them off when they’re done.

Parents can even set a Task to require parental approval.

Simple, consistent, and hassle-free for both parents and kids.

Chores build character – and successful habits for life

In the ‘olden days’ of the 20th Century, kids had duties around the house. We called them ‘chores’.

They were dull, but they had to be done, and we just got on and did them.

And it turns out that chores are essential.

They build a sense of family belonging and contribution.

They create good habits.

Chores reinforce the grit that every child needs to succeed.

(Here’s some more food for thought from our blog.)

But nowadays, busy schedules, greater homework pressure, and arguments arising from screen time can lead parents to give up on chores.

Don’t give up…help is here!

The Task system in Habyts lets kids earn their screen time privileges & build great habits…without parents having to nag.

Parents can award points for completing Tasks, or block Play Time until they’re done – or both!

You’ll be amazed at how regularly your child remembers to feed the dog, tidy their room, or clear the dinner table!

How to set up Tasks

On the Tasks page, you can see a summary of any Tasks that have already been set up.

You can edit each one, or, to create a new Task, click add a task.

Step 1: Name the new Task.

Enter the Task name (or select one of the Tasks we suggest for you).

Step 2: Choose when this Task is to be completed.

You can set which days of the week the Task is to be done, and whether it should be done by a certain time or at any time during the day.

Step 3: Make sure it gets done!

Choose for Habyts to gently remind your child about the Task. Or simply block Play Time until the Task is done.

If you want to check that the Task has been completed, click Needs Approval.

Finally, since a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down, consider awarding some points for the Task – your child can use these for Rewards or extra Play Time.

See why parents love Habyts

Habyts handles the sticky gotchas that go with screen time... so you don't have to

If any of these issues sound familiar - then you need Habyts.

I’ll just use Incognito mode. They’ll never know!

Relax! Habyts controls incognito (private) browsing. Cool huh?

See How

Safe Browsing

Chores? I don’t do chores.

Habyts lets kids earn their screen time privileges...finally!

See How

Parental Approval

I’ve tidied my bedroom – honest.

Require 'Task Approval' - if you think corners will be cut!

See How

Parental Approval

Joey, look! I found these pictures…

Habyts blocks bad websites - when a report is not enough!

See How

Safe Browsing

I’ve only just started – Billy was on for ages before me!

Habyts supports shared devices & applies rules to EACH child.

See How

Time Control

If she turns off the router, I’ll just play offline games

Habyts manages the whole device, not just the internet!

See How

Network Independent

I’ll do my homework after I’ve played Minecraft

Set 'Homework' to be done BEFORE Play Time. ;-)

See How

Rights vs Privileges

If you take away my PC, I’ll just use my phone

Habyts adds up time ACROSS devices...so 1 hour means 1 hour.

See How

Cross Platform

But I need the internet for my homework… really!

Set Study Time - ONLY allow educational sites & apps.

See How

Safe Browsing

Manage Screen Time & Motivate Your Kids Start right now!
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